
Digital branding for the music data masters


Rebranding an existing business that is music data driven with a loyal tech audience base.

Our brief was simple, capture the true essence of the business and reflect it through a new brand mark and language system. Deliver new brand asserts, stationery and a strong online web presence.

Quantone started in 2010 as Decibel Music Systems offering the most in-depth data in the music industry. Working in partnership with IBM’s Watson, Decibel’s dedicated team of researchers and editors compile over 100 pieces of information, with links between artists, performances, venues and much, much more.

In 2015 Founder Evan Stein approached Medicine Man to review the existing brand and explore new ways to reposition the business within the industry.

Client: Quantone
Services: Design, digital
Medicine Man


Our first challenge was to truly understand the business and all it’s technical aspects before we could do anything!

Our starting point began with brain storming a new name we identified the categories in which the business operates by creating a visual map of the brand. This map helped us venture into a naming process with three distinct name categories: descriptive, experiential and invented.

Quantone was the chosen brand name, blending their ability to produce quantitive data in an industry driven by sound. The brand refresh set out to reflect intelligence, information, digital and music.

Medicine Man
Medicine Man
Medicine Man
Medicine Man


The launch of the refresh was well received generating greater engagement through the online website and lead generation connections.

The dynamic colour palette and duotone imagery supported by the accent colours against dark hues created a distinctive visual language system. The refreshed look and feel reflected the brands new direction as innovators working closely in partnership with IBM’s Watson platform.

Medicine Man rolled out the new look across various brand touch points from new online presence to printed collateral to large format graphics.

Medicine Man
Medicine Man